
August 2, 2011 § Leave a comment

I don’t ever want to work at a hospital. Ever. If I continue pursuing this RD career path, I know I’ll just have to suck it up if I want the clinical experience. But seriously, I just hate the environment.

i dunno

July 20, 2011 § Leave a comment

Things haven’t really changed much at all. Hi, WordPress.

Additions: Gil Meche retired. Brett Tomko signed a minor league deal, Rangers during the off-season, but he didn’t make the team out of Spring Training. Then, he got called up, gave up dingerz, and got sent down again. (Is that really what happened?) Apparently, he still has some lingering nerve damage in his arm from his injury in 2009, so he’s rehabbing back in the minors at the moment. We’re rooting for ya, Trett Tretterson.

That was just a tangentially-related prelude to the fact that THE GIANTS WON THE WORLD SERIES last fall. Nothing much more to say about that. Joining McC has rekindled an old flame. I’m grateful.


November 13, 2009 § Leave a comment

My sister and I went back to Chinatown last year to see if they still had these. They did. And I got some. Good times.

I tried Tumblr. It’s cute, but it’s definitely nowhere as cool as WordPress. So, hi. I’ve missed you. I need a root canal.

I went to the dentist and thought about Sailor Moon cards. Do you remember those? A bunch of shops in Chinatown had them. You’d put in some quarters, spin the white gear-thing, and a holofoil card/sticker would come out. I think I had about 64 of those in a pink wallet … until some girls at school convinced me to give them up in exchange for their friendship. I got the short end of the stick in that deal, I guess.

Does sleeping earlier cause you to remember random childhood memories more vividly? I always thought it was the other way around. Your mind can travel into some weird territory at 4AM. I don’t know. You decide.


October 7, 2008 § Leave a comment

So, I got a C+ on my calculus midterm. On one hand, I was happy I didn’t fail. On the other hand, it’s a C+. With a curve. Without one, I would’ve failed. But these are not the kinds of things I want to read about when I inevitably abandon this blog for years and years only to return on my laptop during a nuclear holocaust because there’s going to be nothing else to do in my bomb shelter except open cans of peas and sweet corn. I haven’t quite come to terms yet, but all the wonderful Voices of Reason around me say that basically

  • it’s your first midterm!
  • so, don’t worry
  • you’re going to be okay
  • just study hard for the next one
  • and you’ll be fine

And it means a lot to me, even if they don’t really mean it. But I think they do. Midterm season has given me a great opportunity to hone my punning skills, which have gotten somewhat rusty.

  1. I just got midterminated, but I’ll be bachhhh.
  2. I’m suffering from a midterminal disease.

That’s all so far, but those are pretty good, right? …Right? I NEED YOUR AFFIRMATION. LOVE MEEEEEE.

I have this sheet (two shetes stapled together, actually) of Dwight quotes in 12pt Times New Roman that I printed out last year with my illegal copy of Microsoft Word 2003. (More suspicious keyword search referrals? [I really like parenthetical asides. I don’t know if that’s how you spell parenthetical. tells me it’s right, so I’ll believe it is so. Uh oh, I should get to class now.]) I found it in my backpack today after class. It made me feel all right. Those quotes always seem to pop up in the strangest places when I’m feeling a little down in da dumps.

First rule in roadside beet sales: put the most attractive beets on top. The ones that make you pull the car over and go, “Wow, I need this beet right now.” Those are the money beets.

There’s nothing on my horizon except everything. Everything is on my horizon.

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