Can We Not?

December 17, 2007 § Leave a comment

What a better time to return to my humble little blog than whilst procrastinating? The first semester of my senior year is basically over, and I don’t really have any comment about that. What’s really important is, well, I don’t really know. I’m tempted to say, “I don’t really have much to say nowadays.” but that would just be spewing lies. Crazy, crazy lies. I’m just really tired but apparently not tired enough to blog about it. So it goes.  I still enjoy Yu-Gi-Oh!: The Abridged Series a whole lot. Too bad the genius of a man behind the dubbing madness can’t find the time to do some new episodes. That’s okay. He has a perfectly valid reason for depriving me of the funny, what with getting married and all. Yes, because if he didn’t have a perfectly valid reason, I would take it personally and complain about it through a series of progressively angry YouTube comments. Then, people would give me some serious thumbs down. Maybe even give me the “mark as spam.” I shudder to think about it.

Attention, Duelists

July 3, 2007 § 4 Comments

The last few weeks of school kept me so preoccupied that I failed to realize that LittleKuriboh has produced several more gems of brilliance. If you aren’t familiar with YuGiOh: The Abridged Series, you should be. This wonderfully talented man dubbed the first season of YGO as well as the movie and even an obligatory Christmas special. Each episode features at least one line that makes me ROTFLOL. Some of my favorite quotes:

“I’m too rich to die!”
“Screw the Yules, I have money!”
“No … my hair is your father.”
“Yu-Gi-Oh is sponsored by Yugio’s. They’re Yugilicious. Wait, Yugilicious? What does that even mean? Are they supposed to taste like Yugi or something?”
“My voice gives me super strength!”
“Run while you can, mortal. Soon, I will rule the world. And then we’ll see who smells… It’ll be you.”
“Huh. Well, that was just weird. I should probably cut down on the drugs.”
“Hey, everybody, look at me! I’m Seto Kaiba! I have a dragon fetish, and I sound like Brock from Pokémon! Screw the rules, I’m in love with Nurse Joy!”
“Attention, duelists! You guys are not duelists!”
“We can’t let those brats escape the virtual word in one piece.” “That’s right, so let’s all stand up dramatically at the same time. Excellent.”
“You are NOT American! You’re not even wearing a flag on your head!”

Perhaps the best one of all:

“Time for a trip to the Recycle Bin, Phantom. And then, once you’re in the Recycle Bin, I’m going to right-click on it and select ‘Empty Recycle Bin’ because, otherwise, you would just be taking up unecessary space. In other words, I’m going to kill you.”

Give it a gander:
LittleKuriboh on YouTube
LittleKuriboh on DailyMotion
Official Yugioh: The Abridged Series Site

Update ~2 years later: Thanks for all the quote contributions, commenters. My hair is crying tears of gratitude.

Hello, Internets

July 1, 2007 § Leave a comment

Sometimes, I wonder how many people actually read this. I get hits from random searches, which I really don’t mind. It’s nice. Lately, I’ve been getting some linkage from Yahoo! e-mail messages thanks to the fact that I chose “Mark As Read: The Spam of My Mind” as a blog title. I’m actually thinking about registering Do they offer .banana? I think they should. is a pretty cool domain. It’s sad that is already taken. And How about Or A few years ago, would have a little something something asking, “Did you mean” The grandaddy of them all, however, is ZOMBO.COM. Go there, and you shall know why.

What officially made this summer awesome: The Penis Mightier. I’m just asking for Akismet to block more spam comments, aren’t I? 0+0-0=0 -> P+O-O=P is genius.

Barries and Creme

June 20, 2007 § Leave a comment

If I’m not mistaken, the last post I made was about compiling a Brett Tomko related video. Well, I did something better than that. Much better.

Barry Zito stars in that one Starburst commercial that is super creepy and yet super awesome. Indeed, indeed.

I should post here more often. LJ has gotten somewhat unattractive.

Mondays Mean Music 4

March 26, 2007 § Leave a comment

I’m an Angloaudiophile.

All this time, I was wondering what that song was in the TV trailer for Reign Over Me. Turns out I had it all along on my computer. It’s quite fantastic when that happens, because I get to instantly enjoy “Ashes” by Embrace. And because I now have a theme for this week’s Mondays Mean Music: Song Stylings From Across The Pond! (American Idol? Never heard of it.) Yes, that’s right. SSFATP. Try saying that ten times fast with eight slices of wheat bread in your mouth. Not so easy, is it?

Supersized for your pleasure. In the mood for some funny via The New Yorker? I think The Optimist is my new favorite person. “What a great guy! I really miss him! No, I don’t! It’s all good!” Good times.

Cheap Laughs

March 16, 2007 § Leave a comment

Apparently, there’s a Longwood University.

Yes, I do have the maturity of that bunch of bananas. And that likely will not change until I am good, dead, and buried.

March 29!

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